OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631‑242‑3069, 631‑940‑3597 ofappit@yahoo.com
Web site gagutofappit.org
“GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT) Gij,j=0, has revealed proven solution
to Riemann Hypothesis, a Clay Mathematics Millennium Problem” by Prof. G. Oyibo;Principle Peer
Referees/Reviewers: Prof. Grigoris Tsagas, Prof. Jaume Carot and other GAGUT
Referees/Reviewers; Needs a public debate and presentation by a delegation representing all of
humanity to Clay Mathematics Institute urgently.
infallibly proven that all theorems (proven truths) and all equations past, present and
future originate out of one invariant Gi which has orthogonal components Gij, and a
divergence of Gij,j=0, the only correct equation. GAGUT invariant G2j(eta sub 0)=0 has resolved
the 152 year old enigma called the Riemann Hypothesis. The Mathematical Existence of G2j(eta
sub 0)=0 is guaranteed by the infallibility of GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM,
Nicknamed GAGUT Gij,j=0, which no Mathematicians including the Distinguished Invited
Reviewers listed below have been able to disagree with. Legendary Mathematicians including
Prof. Grigoris Tsagas (over 200 Mathematical Reviews Zbl 0929.53055), Prof. Jaume Carot (MR
1455591 (98e:83007)) and others were selected by American and European Mathematical
Societies to peer review GAGUT and NONE of them disagreed with GAGUT.
Distinguished Invited Reviewers for the paper entitled “GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem
(GAGUT) Gij,j=0, has revealed proven solution to Riemann Hypothesis, a Clay Mathematics
Millennium Problem” by Prof. G. Oyibo;
Sir Professor Michael Atiyah, Field Medalist, King Faisal Prize Laureate, Abel Prize Laureate and
former Master of
Trinity College, Cambridge University
Professor Enrico Bombieri, Field Medalist, IAS Princeton University
Professor Peter Sarnak, former Head Math Dept, Princeton University
Professor Jim Carlson, President, Clay Mathematics Institute
Professor Andrew Wiles, King Faisal Prize Laureate Princeton University
Professor George E. Andrews, President, American Mathematical Society
Professor Karatsuba, Leading Researcher Russian Academy of Sciences
Professor Samuel J. Patterson, Distinguished Math Professor, Goettingen University
Professor Ari Laptev, President, European Mathematical Society
Professor Pierre Deligne, Field Medalist, IAS Princeton University
Professor Barry Mazur, Distinguished Math Professor, Harvard University
Professor Grigory Margulis, Distinguished Math Professor, Yale University
Professor Simon Donaldson, Distinguished Math Professor, Imperial College, London, UK
Professor Richard Melrose, Distinguished Math Professor, MIT
Professor Yum-Tong Siu, Field Medalist, Harvard University
Professor Peter W. Jones, former Head Math Dept, Yale University
Professor Alain Connes, Field Medalist, IHES, France
These Rigorous GAGUT Reviews that agrees with Mathematical Existence of G2j(eta sub 0)=0 as
the Solution to Riemann Hypothesis, were further supported by the following additional comments
of other Legendary Mathematicians
” Dear Oyibo, I heard you have been successful in finding the unified field theory. Congratulations.
You are more close to God than any of us. I was also working upon this theory; since my theory was
different God was different to me.” Physics Professor, Krishnendu Dasgupta, July 25, 2007
*Sir Professor Michael Atiyah, Field Medalist, King Faisal prize laureate, Abel Prize laureate and
former Master of Trinity College, Cambridge University, was delighted to see the review of GAGUT
by legendary mathematician, Professor Grigoris Tsagas (over 200 MR’s), and requested “Can I
have a copy of this (GAGUT review)?” November 3, 2010.
*“The most exciting contributions to me, personally is “Dr Oyibo’s formulation of Einstein’s Unified
Field Theory or “the theory of everything.” He presented, “A Generalized Mathematical Proof of
Einstein’s Theory Using a New Group Theory” at RPI in March, 1995… Having met Albert
Einstein and having co-authored reports about him…I am thrilled that Gabriel Oyibo was the first to
complete the task that intrigued and challenged Einstein and many other luminaries in science.
Moreover, he did so in a mathematically elegant manner. Professor Oyibo’s contributions are
extremely important, both theoretically and practically. They place him in the ranks of world class
scientists. He is eminently qualified for the Nobel Prize in Physics.” Mathematics Professor Edith
Luchins, Nobel Prize Nomination Letter, April 23, 2001
*Professor Paul R. Garabedian, Ph.D. in Mathematics from Harvard University (at the age of 20)
Former Head of Math Department at Stanford University, later Professor of Mathematics at
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU and author of the mathematics best seller entitled
Partial Differential Equations declared that “He (Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo) can’t be
squashed” in a mathematics argument or intelligence competition. April 7, 1998
“Using group theoretic methods, contribution to the full Navier-Stokes equations, the basic
equations of compressible, viscous flow have been made (by Gabriel Oyibo). Included in these
studies has been the examination of turbulence. As a personal aside, I have felt that the problem
of turbulence is for “adults only”. Indeed among those who have made significant contributions to
the field are Lord Rayleigh, Werner Heisenberg, Sir Geoffrey Taylor and Theodore Von Karman.
Summarizing these remarks, I feel that this extensive work deserves careful examination for higher
recognition.”George H. Handelman, Amos Eaton Professor, RPI and former Mathematics
Professor at Brown University June 1, 2000
*“We the students and faculty of Harvard / MIT (including MIT Math Professor Dmitry Panchenko)
wish to express our desire to have Dr. G. A Oyibo , Professor of Mathematics and Nobel Prize
nominee, give a lecture at our campus about the discovery of the Theory of Everything (GAGUT-
For which he has been nominated for the Nobel Prize). We feel that a lecture and discussion about
the scientific and social implications of this theory would be beneficial to our school by broadening
our academic and social awareness.” Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Professors and Students (numbering over 415) December, 2002
“I would like to learn more about GAGUT.” John Milnor, Field Medalist, Abel Prize winner Former
Princeton University Math Professor, December 2, 2010
“It (GAGUT) is extremely important.” Mathematics Professor, John Morgan, Former MIT Math
Professor who verified Poincare Conjecture Proof of Grigori Perelman, December 2, 2010
*“...what I want is to understand, prove, or disprove it (GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem
(GAGUT) Gij,j=0, has revealed proven solution to Riemann Hypothesis, a Clay Mathematics
Millennium Problem by Professor G. Oyibo)” Mathematics Professor, Pierre Deligne, Field
Medalist, and a leading expert on Riemann Hypothesis, IAS, Princeton University July 4, 2010
*Aeronautics Professor, Eugene Brunelle, Doctor of Science, Summa Cum Laude, from MIT and
former Princeton University Professor declared that history has shown that since 1916 when
Einstein popularized the search for the theory of everything, there has not been any human being
with a mind as developed or as intelligent as Professor G. Oyibo. January 31, 2000
*Mathematics Professor, Iya Abubakar, Ph. D. in Mathematics from Cambridge University where
Sir Isaac Newton and Sir Stephen Hawking also received their Ph. D.s, categorically verified that
“GAGUT is a very big breakthrough and the GAGUT equation G ij, j = 0 is perfectly correct.”
November 23, 2004
Perhaps the most compelling additional GAGUT Review along with this rigorous and extensive
peer reviews and comments listed above is the Goettingen University’s peer review process,
which in the spirit of Prof. Karl Frederick Gauss, recognized as one of the three greatest
mathematicians of all time and a former head of Mathematics Department at Goettingen
University, where he supervised the Doctoral Thesis of Prof. Bernhard Riemann, the Author of the
Riemann Hypothesis and also succeeded Prof. Gauss as the head of Mathematics Department at
Goettingen University, selected and placed GAGUT in the center (week 26 out of the 52 weeks of
the Year) of the Gauss 2005 celebration. The Goettingen University’s rigorous peer review
process that selected the 52 greatest mathematics works to honor Gauss, selected the work of
Prof. David Hilbert, who succeeded Riemann as head of Mathematics Department at Goettingen
University, considered to be the last of the Great Mathematicians, who first highlighted the
Riemann Hypothesis as an important unsolved Mathematics problem, placed his work near the
center of the celebration at week 24 out of 52. Other greatest works selected by Goettingen
University included the work of Sir Prof. Michael Atiyah, a successor to Sir Prof. Isaac Newton as
the Master of Trinity College at Cambridge University, a Field medalist, King Faisal award winner
and Abel Prize winner (each of the three awards being equivalent to a Nobel Prize) with his works
placed also near the center of the Gauss 2005 Celebration at weeks 19 and 18 (along with Daniel
Iagonitzer). Goettingen University also selected the work of Prof. Alain Connes, another Field
Medalist, Nobel Prize equivalent and placed it near the center of the celebration (at Week 17 out
of 52). Goettingen University selected the work of Profs. Ovidiu Calin and Chen Chang on
Riemannian Geometry named after Prof. Bernhard Riemann, another great Mathematician from
Goettingen University (and placed it near the center at Week 14 of the Gauss 2005 Celebration).
The Placing of GAGUT at week 26 the center of the Gauss 2005 celebration by Goettingen
University’s rigorous peer review process is consistent with the understanding that Mathematics is
the study of Theorems and therefore GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM
(Nicknamed GAGUT) Gij,j=0 which contains all theorems including all theorems listed in the works
selected by Goettingen University to honor Gauss as well as Riemann Hypothesis Theorem
represented by G2j(eta sub 0)=0, contains all of Mathematics. These very powerful, extensive and
authoritative verifications of Mathematical existence of G2j(eta sub 0)=0 within the GAGUT Gij,j=0,
as theorem and solution to Riemann Hypothesis presented above is the basis of our inviting you
and everybody else to join us in a public debate on G2j(eta sub 0)=0 and to participate in the
selection of a delegation that submits “GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) Gij,j=0,
has revealed proven solution to Riemann Hypothesis, a Clay Mathematics Millennium Problem” by
Professor G. Oyibo; Principle Peer Referees/Reviewers: Prof. Grigoris Tsagas, Prof. Jaume
Carot and other GAGUT Referees/Reviewers to Clay Mathematics Institute. The following is the
Table of Contents of the Journal where the paper was published. You can view the Goettingen List
of the 52 Greatest Mathematics works selected to honor Karl Frederick Gauss during the Gauss
2005 Celebration, here. You can also view the preliminary public debate schedule attached below.
You can call us at (631)-242-3069 or e-mail us at ofappit@yahoo.com to arrange for your public
debate participation and delegation selection or register directly with us on gagutofappit.org. The
Gauss 2005 Celebration list is attached below GOD bless you.
John Glover
OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone ; 631-242-3069, 631-940-3597 ofappit@yahoo.com
Web site gagutofappit.org
To; Distinguished Invited Reviewers for the paper entitled “GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified
Theorem (GAGUT) Gij,j=0, has revealed proven solution to Riemann Hypothesis, a Clay
Mathematics Millennium Problem” by Professor G. Oyibo;
Sir Professor Michael Atiyah, Field Medalist, King Faisal Prize Laureate, Abel Prize Laureate and
former Master of Trinity College, Cambridge University
Professor Enrico Bombieri, Field Medalist, IAS Princeton University
Professor Peter Sarnak, former Head Math Dept, Princeton University
Professor Jim Carlson, President, Clay Mathematics Institute
Professor Andrew Wiles, King Faisal Prize Laureate Princeton University
Professor George E. Andrews, President, American Mathematical Society
Professor Karatsuba, Leading Researcher Russian Academy of Sciences
Professor Samuel J. Patterson, Distinguished Math Professor, Goettingen University
Professor Ari Laptev, President, European Mathematical Society
Professor Pierre Deligne, Field Medalist, IAS Princeton University
Professor Barry Mazur, Distinguished Math Professor, Harvard University
Professor Grigory Margulis, Distinguished Math Professor, Yale University
Professor Simon Donaldson, Distinguished Math Professor, Imperial College, London, UK
Professor Richard Melrose, Distinguished Math Professor, MIT
Professor Yum-Tong Siu, Field Medalist, Harvard University
Professor Peter W. Jones, former Head Math Dept, Yale University
Professor Alain Connes, Field Medalist, IHES, France
From; Professor Henry Gross
Date; 05/28/2010
GOD ALMIGHTY’S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT) Gij,j=0 has connected the Atiyah-
Singer index theorem with L-functions and a Gauss Theorem as well as the Riemann-Roch
Theorem and revealed solution to the Riemann Hypothesis in the process to Professor G. Oyibo.
The revealed solution seems to reconcile the results of Professors Hardy and Littlewood with the
result of Professors Bombieri and Vinogradov to the results of Professor Pierre Deligne and to all
of the other results that we could find on the Riemann Hypothesis. Please find enclosed the briefing
we are proposing for Riemann Hypothesis that we would like you and your colleagues to attend
and we are inviting you to present a paper on a topic “Non-commutative Geometry and Riemann
Hypothesis” (see presentation number 18 below). Please don’t hesitate to call us at (631)-242-
3069 if you have any questions.
Riemann Hypothesis briefing has been planned basically to give a status report regarding the
proof or disproof of the Riemann Hypothesis. After 151 years of its existence, the Riemann
Hypothesis needs a resolution. Towards that resolution, the proposed Riemann Hypothesis
briefing plans to bring together a few experts representing the key dimensions of the Riemann
Hypothesis. The briefing is expected to last two days. We at the OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
like other Mathematicians are very interested in seeing the resolution to the Riemann Hypothesis.
That interest was further heightened in 2005 when Goettingen University, the birthplace of the
Riemann Hypothesis, called the attention of Mathematicians globally, to the research work of our
university called the GOD ALMIGHTY’S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT), in honor of Carl
Frederick Gauss (see the enclosed or the following link gagut5.ning.com/profiles/blogs/gagut-
recognized-as-a-greatest). In addition, there have been calls previously by Harvard and MIT
professors, students and staff for a briefing on GAGUT (see the enclosed or the following links
gagut5.ning.com/profiles/blogs/gagut-recognized-as-the-holy and gagut5.ning.
The American Institute of Physics had also featured GAGUT books in their publication Physics
Today (November 2000, January and July 2003).Gradually the reasons why these big
organizations were recognizing the GAGUT development were becoming clearer to us as we were
beginning to see the revelations of the solutions to some of the unresolved problems like the
Riemann Hypothesis. Our usual procedures after seeing such revelations would include an in
house rigorous debate on and scrutiny of the revelations. Our next step would be to brief very
critical and hard reviewers like late Professor Paul Garabedian, who would tear the revelations into
pieces before we consider presenting the revelations to the larger Mathematics community. We
miss Professor Paul Garabedian very deeply and pray that he is seeing the Riemann surfaces with
even better clarity in Heaven. Our sorrow is tempered by our consolation that we see those
Garabedian no nonsense critique or reviewer characteristics in the persons of Professor Enrico
Bombieri, Professor Peter Sarnak, Professor Pierre Deligne and all of the others who we are
inviting to participate in this proposed briefing. In addition to the proposed invited speakers, we
are requesting the Editors in Chief, the Associate Editors that cover Riemann Hypothesis, along
with their three expert reviewers each in the area of Riemann Hypothesis for the following
Mathematics journals to participate by helping to review the briefing. The suggested journals are
the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, the Transactions of the American Mathematical
Society, the Annals of Mathematics, the Journal of the European Mathematical Society, the
International Journal of Mathematics Game Theory and Algebra. A special issue of the recent
Advances in Mathematics Research Edited by Professor G. Oyibo can also share with these
journals the publication of the papers given at this briefing Proposed sponsors for the briefing are;
1)the National Science Foundation (NSF),
2)American Mathematical Society (AMS)
3) Clay Mathematical Institute
4)European Mathematical Society (EMS)
5)Nova Science Publishers
Proposed Briefing date; July/August 2010 or as soon as possible. Proposed Briefing Location;
Long Island
Sheraton Hauppauge NY USA. Proposed Briefing Attendance; All Mathematicians, Scientists and
Public at Large.
The Following Expert Mathematicians on Riemann Hypothesis have been proposed and invited to
gives talks and papers on the various dimensions of the Riemann Hypothesis.
1) Professor Enrico Bombieri, of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton University, New
Jersey, USA.
Topic; The Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem and how it can substitute for the generalized Riemann
2)Professor Peter Sarnak, of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton University, New
Jersey, USA.
Topic; Strong evidence in favor of and reasonable doubts about Riemann Hypothesis.
3)Professor Jim Carlson, of Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Utah, USA and
President of Clay
Mathematics Institute
Topic; The features that helped the Clay Mathematics Research recognize the Riemann
Hypothesis as a Clay
Millennium problem.
4)Professor Andrew Wiles, of Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA.
Topic; The significance of Fermat’s Last Theorem, Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, and
Hypothesis to Number Theory.
5)Professor George E. Andrews, of Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University,
Pennsylvania, USA and President of the American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Topic; Contributions of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) towards the solution of the
Riemann Hypothesis.
6)Professor Karatsuba Anatolli Alexeevich, of Department of Mathematics, Steklov Institute of
Mathematics, Russia and Russian Academy of Sciences
Topic; Computational challenges in determining the zeros of the Riemann Zeta function.
7)Professor Samuel J. Patterson, of Department of Mathematics, Goettingen University, Germany
Topic; Goettingen University and the Great Mathematicians that contributed to the origin and
formulation of the Riemann Hypothesis.
8)Professor Ari Laptev, of Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and
President of the European Mathematical Society (EMS)
Topic; Contributions of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) towards the solution of the
Riemann Hypothesis.
9)Professor Pierre Deligne, of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton University, New
Jersey, USA.
Topic; The proof of the Riemann Hypothesis for varieties over finite fields, a very strong evidence
for the Riemann Hypothesis.
10)Professor G. Oyibo, of Department of Mathematics, OFAPPIT Institute of Technology, New
York, USA
Topic; GOD ALMIGHTY’S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT) Gij,j=0 Has revealed proven
solution to Riemann’s Hypothesis, a Clay Mathematics Millennium Problem.
11) Professor Barry Mazur, of Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Massachusetts,
Topic; Relationships between Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture and Riemann Hypothesis.
12) Professor Grigory Margulis, of Department of Mathematics, Yale University, Connecticut, USA
Topic; The Significance of Riemann Hypothesis when viewed by Number Theorists.
13) Professor Simon Donaldson, of Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, London,
Topic; Geometry research areas that can use the Riemann Hypothesis.
14) Professor Richard Melrose, of Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of
Massachusetts, USA
Topic; The potential future role that can be expected within the field of Differential Equations and
Geometry by the Riemann Hypothesis.
15) Professor Yum-Tong Siu, of Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Massachusetts,
Topic; Functions of several complex variables and Riemann hypothesis .
16) Professor Peter W. Jones, of Department of Mathematics, Yale University, Connecticut, USA
Topic; Mathematical Analysis and Riemann Hypothesis
17) Sir Professor Michael Atiyah, of Department of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh,
Scotland, England
Topic; The Atiyah-Singer index theorem, via the Riemann-Roch theorem to the zeros of the Zeta
18) Professor Alain Connes, of Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee,
USA, College de France, France and IHES, France
Topic; Non-commutative Geometry and Riemann Hypothesis
19) Invited speakers, other experts and all other Mathematicians
Topic; Rigorous debate, critique and analysis of; “GOD ALMIGHTY’S GRAND UNIFIED
THEOREM (GAGUT) Gij,j=0 Has revealed proven solution to Riemann’s Hypothesis, a Clay
Mathematics Millennium Problem by Professor G. Oyibo”
GOD Bless you
Professor Henry Gross, Professor of Mathematics

