GAGUT has proved mathematically that its Black Discoverer Prof. G. Oyibo to be the most intelligent
Human Being and hence his race the most intelligent Race. That conclusion was agreed with and
verified by a Study from Yale University which showed the Black Race to be the most intelligent race
with 28 intelligence DNA Strands compared to Non Blacks with 19 intelligence DNA Strands, which
simplifies to a ratio of 9 strands for the Blacks to 6 strands for the Non Blacks. GAGUT has already
defined the Polymorphism as a measure of Intelligence
Polymorphisms means intelligence
28 Polymorphisms = 28 intelligence DNA Strands
19 Polymorphisms = 19 intelligence DNA Strands
That means that Africans are the most intelligence race with 28 intelligence DNA Strands as
compared to the other races with 19 intelligence DNA Strands
In line 4 of the Abstract of the Yale Study mentioned above, you will see European Bias. European
Bias is another term for Jim Crow. Yale University realized that they had to remove Jim Crow from their
research in order to obtain correct results and hence warning humanity to eliminating Jim Crow to get
any meaningful results, which is the same call we are making upon you Religious Leaders and Elected
Officials to remove Jim
Crow from Educational Systems, so that Black People can live their lives as they were created by
GOD as the most intelligent race . Its mathematical, scientific and official (after 2,500 years of fraud
regarding the reality of the intelligence of the Black Race )that GAGUT has forced the world to see
Prof. G. Oyibo as being blessed by GOD with the ultimate intelligence Eta sub infinity and because
Black people share genes with Prof. G. Oyibo, that makes the Black People the most intelligent race,
which destroys Jim Crow.
The Black constituents need you Black Religious Leaders and Elected Officials to help them in
dealing with Jim Crowism which is preventing them from studying this GAGUT discovery. Specifically
your constituents need your help and the help of the elected officials to legislate Jim Crow out of the
Blacks Schools. While we are waiting for you religious leaders to work with the
elected officials to legislate Jim crow out of their education systems, your constituents need you to
provide 10 scholarships to study GAGUT for one day ($1,400USD per person which includes
registration a hotel room and flight).
Evidence of Jim Crow was revealed when a NYC Councilman Al Vann organized a presentation
directly to a president of a Black University on a new discovery called GAGUT, Gij,j=0
that represents the totality of all knowledge through a Black Man 10 years ago. It was agreed Black
Colleges need to study the GAGUT discovery, however ten years later they are still
not Studying it whereas the White Schools are studying it. This is consistent with and constitutes Jim
Crowism. The Discovery proved mathematically the Black Discoverer to be the most intelligent Human
Being and hence his race the most intelligent Race. The Study from Yale University confirmed the
Black Race to be the most intelligent race with 28 intelligence DNA Strands compared to Non Blacks
with 19 intelligence DNA Strands, which simplifies to a ratio of 9 strands for the Blacks to 6 strands for
the Non Blacks.
That means without Jim Crow, Black Universities should be better than non Black Universities with a
ratio of 9 to 6. Unfortunately under Jim Crow Black schools are considered inferior to the non-Black
Schools. That is why your constituents need your help in getting Jim crow out of the
Blacks schools.
And as i said before, While we are waiting for you religious leaders to work with the
elected officials to legislate Jim crow out of their education systems, your constituents need you to
provide 10 scholarships to study GAGUT for one day ($1,400USD per person). Please call us at
631-242-3069. GOD bless you
John Glover